The official company logo for VETSI, INC a 501c3 non-profit organization chartered to help veterans re-assimilate into the modern workforce.

Democracy and the Environment are Endangered Species: RiConfiguring Today for a Better Tomorrow – Theories, Policies, Practices and Politics for Smart Growth

“We need to carefully look at both the extreme left and extreme right to understand their methods. We should not shy away from mimicking these methods as long as we do it to defend democracy and the planet we inhabit.” Elias Carayannis is the father of the concept of quadruple helix and the need to […]

The European Commission Open Innovation 2.0 Conference Keynote: Quadruple & Quintuple Innovation Helix Ecosystems | Dublin Ireland | May 2013

The European Commission Open Innovation 2.0 Conference Keynote: Quadruple & Quintuple Innovation Helix Ecosystems Slide Deck

The Springer research-publication company logo.

Dystechnia- A Model of Technology Deficiency and Implications for Entrepreneurial Opportunity by Dr. Elias Carayannis

Disconnects among system components preempt technology adoption by the diminution or absence of potential user’s perceptions, a state of second-order ignorance (ignorance of ignorance). The condition of flawed or failed efficacy in the use, deployment, or logistics of technology is, as we term, dystechnia. Dystechnia is ubiquitous, and its origin in second-order ignorance implies entrepreneurial […]

The Springer research-publication company logo.

Obsessed maniacs and clairvoyant oracles: empirically validated patterns of entrepreneurial behavior

Diverse and complex challenges in new venture formation demand rare and exceptional entrepreneurial acumen, particularly in technology-driven environments where disrupted markets amplify the factors and magnitude of uncertainty and risk. The successful technology entrepreneur (term of art for Strategic Knowledge Arbitrage and Serendipity (SKARSETM) enactors) is focused yet flexible, demonstrating relentless intensity of purpose while […]

Dr. Elias Carayannis on Innovation in Europe and the United States of America, Higher School of Economics | Moscow, Russia | April 2015

The 2017 World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics Keynote: Knowledge for Development Vision 2030: Focus on Smart Growth

A.R.I.S. – Arts, Research, Innovation and Society Initiative: The Future of Education and Labor | Vienna, Austria | May 2016

A.R.I.S. – Arts, Research, Innovation and Society Initiative: Research and Art Education | Vienna, Austria | May 2013

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Dr. Elias Carayannis
The George Washington University
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